The Sky At Night

Isn't this sky just wonderful, really magical in my opinion!

There used to be a brilliant program on TV when I was a young'un, called The Sky At Night and it was about astronomy. The presenter a wild, scientist type called Patrick Moore, who, if I remember correctly, used to wear a monicle was quite extraordinary? He is widely credited with getting people to stop looking at their shoes and look up into the sky at night and see the wonder.

And with evenings like this picture shows, the moon is bright and it is truly magical and wonderful.....

Where is all this going I hear you "wonder" - absolutely nowhere, other than to wish those of you Stateside a wonderful, wonderful Thanksgiving! Hopefully we can all be a bit closer to family this year. And to those Pondside I hope your sky is as magical as this one and you're gearing up for the festive season!

I must also mention our SALE, which is 50% off ALL robes begins Saturday 27 November - Small Business Saturday - because we are small, quite wee actually :-) And it ends Sunday 12 December at 12.00am.

Take care and happy Sunday afternoon wherever you are - Sophie xx

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