Happy New Year's Resolutions

I have had varying success over the years with my own resolutions …. One year was to swear less, lasting only a few hours as my best friend’s dog woke me far too early after a night of being drastically over-served.  Whereas another of taking up running continues to this day.

I saw on a particular site just recently why we should not make a resolution and whilst I haven’t been brilliant at either making or keeping, I do think we should give it a go.  A resolution can often kick start something we’ve been putting off for ages, or it can reignite an activity that’s fallen beside the wayside.

Now in an ideal world we’d all be making, keeping and achieving these resolutions with the idea that we’d all be better people as we grow older.  Hmmmn, well in reality not so much but just because our resolutions are sometimes incomplete or unfinished doesn’t mean we should abandon the whole process.

For example if you made the most common one “to lose a little weight” or to “stop drinking alcohol” neither of these will harm you in any way should you only last a few weeks!

Plus also it has been noted that when we say something out loud to others, we have more chance of actually following through, because we feel we’re being held accountable.  But rather than making the obvious choices about a little weight loss, why not spin it differently especially if this particular resolution is one that is getting seriously old.  Why not make a resolution to exercise 20 minutes per day 5 days a week or resolve to go to the deli as opposed to the fast food place each lunchtime? 

By doing it this way it almost tricks our minds into achieving the end result without the burden of knowing we’ve not succeeded for the last 10 years.  Personally my end result was to not buy any new clothes, but my resolution is actually to not spend more than 10 seconds on all those wonderful emails that inform me of the latest sales, at all the gorgeous emporiums of women’s clothes.  That way I won’t have a chance to click on through and purchase and end up with yet another wardrobe and a disgruntled fiancé!

Maybe you have other ways to make and keep resolutions, maybe you don’t need to or maybe you set yourself certain targets throughout the year?  I’d love to hear, because goodness knows this resolution of mine is going to be so terribly hard to keep!

Look Gorgeous, Feel Fabulous – Sophie 

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