Not What It Seams
And this can be overlooked as the results are hopefully, gorgeous, interesting, fabulous pictures. Our Delphine shoot was no different, this was our second collection with a new make up artist, two new models but thankfully our initial photographer to add a little consistency. Worries include, but not limited to, are the models going to suit the robes, will they know what they're doing ie how to "model"? Will the location photograph well, will the weather hold, will the robes photograph well? All concerns enough to add a few extra grey hairs to one's head ..... if one had grey hairs of course
Goodness we haven't even begun & it looks serious!?!
Looking forward to being photographed!
Nope, it's not happening!
No I can't explain that pose, it looks strange to me too
Oooh a tad toasty here, is silk flamable?
Do you think she'll notice me up here?
Seeking help from above
The beautiful & lovely Rachel & Brigitte
Look Gorgeous, Feel Fabulous - Sophie